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Seeking Help? Our chat is safe, private, secure and available 24/7.

What you should know

Halton Women’s Place Web Chat service is designed to keep you safe. However, nothing is 100% secure. When you chat online with us, please make sure you’re using a device or computer that’s safe. If you think someone else could have installed spyware onto the device you’re using, you may not want to use this service.

About our Online Chat

A support worker will connect with you soon to offer you support, safety planning, community resource information, and brief education regarding abuse. Your conversations with our counsellors are confidential and secure. Just type in the chat window below. When you connect with us, the first few messages you receive from us will be automated. These will give you more information about the service and our confidentiality policy.

You can end the conversation at any time. Once it’s done, your chat history will be erased.

Click Here to see our Privacy, Informed Consent & Duty to Report Policy

Chat with us Now

Web Chat Safety Tips

  •  If you are unsafe or in immediate crisis, call 9-1-1.
  • If you are accessing this chat service from a cellphone, ensure to delete your text messages from your phone and history.
  • If you are accessing this chat service from a computer, tablet or other device that connects to the web, ensure to delete your web browser history.
  • If you need to quickly end the chat, click the EXIT IMMEDIATELY  button and you will be redirected to a google home page. Please note, you must delete your web history even if you select exit immediately.
  • For general safety planning tips, click HERE.

Tips to stay safe online

Privacy, Informed Consent and Duty to Report

Halton Women’s Place works from a framework of safety. Our policy regarding privacy reflects this. You can be sure that your chat with Halton Women’s Place will remain private and confidential. If you chose not to share any identifying information, your chat will also be anonymous.

Halton Women’s Place has a duty to report if a child or youth under the age of 18 has been or is at risk of abuse. If you provide information that can identify you and a child or youth under the age of 18 has been or is at risk of abuse, we are legally obligated to involve an external agency. If you are at risk of harming yourself or others, and provide identifying information, we may involve emergency services to ensure your safety as well as the safety of others.

We want you to be aware how your information is used. We collect demographic information about the call including the area you are from (if shared), the support offered, and any community resource information provided. We collect this information to evaluate how best to structure services to support future conversations.



MILTON & HALTON HILLS: 905-878-8555

©2023 Halton Women’s Place. All Right’s Reserved | Registered Charity Number-10746 2558 RR0001

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