Circle of Hope
Give Monthly, Help Daily
Here are some advantages of becoming a Monthly Donor and part of our Circle of Hope for women and children fleeing abuse
By giving regularly, you’ll receive the satisfaction and good feeling of supporting the Shelter without having to initiate a contribution each time. Choose your monthly giving amount and the duration of your monthly gift when you sign up. You can update your billing information, change the amount or cancel at any time. Simply send an email to or call 905-332-1082.
No bills, no reminders to you. For us, a reduction of administrative costs. More of your dollars go directly toward serving those in need. And, we’ll send you one annual statement once a year summarizing your tax-deductible gifts, so deducting your donations is easy.
You’ll provide a regular, reliable and predictable stream of support to save and improve the lives of women and children every day of the year.
What Your Donation May Mean:
IN ONE MONTH, a woman may find the courage and opportunity to leave her abusive partner and find safety at HWP.
IN TWO MONTHS, she may start the process of healing from the trauma she experienced, with the help of trained Crisis Intervention Counsellors.
IN SIX MONTHS, her children will have received mental health support with our Child & Youth Counsellors, and the Reach Out Centre for Kids.
IN NINE MONTHS, she and her children will be ready to move on from the shelter, while continuing to receive support from our Transitional Support Counsellors.
IN TWELVE MONTHS, this woman will move into transitional housing, starting her new life, free of violence, and navigate the Family Court system, with the help of HWP’s Court Support counsellor.
So much can change in one year, and your monthly donation to Halton Women’s Place, can help the women and children with each step on their journey to a violence-free life. With a monthly donation starting at $25 per month, YOU can make a difference.
Please considering joining HWP as a Circle of Hope monthly donor, and show women experiencing domestic violence that there is hope, that their community supports them, and is wrapping them in courage and hope.
MILTON & HALTON HILLS: 905-878-8555
©2023 Halton Women’s Place. All Right’s Reserved | Registered Charity Number-10746 2558 RR0001