Survivor Story -
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Mother holding young son

To Whom it May Concern.

I started my journey as a broken woman. When I made the decision to say enough is enough, I did not know where I would end up. My abuser oversaw everything financially, had broken my spirit and changed who I was. I spent a whole month packing our belongings and desperately searching for a shelter for myself and my 3-year-old son. On the night before our things were to be moved into storage and our apartment was to be vacated, I called Halton Women’s Place. An intake worker answered the phone and said they could offer us a room. Afraid and uncertain we made our way from Brampton to Milton.

I had never been to Milton before and did not know anyone. On our first day at Halton Women’s Place, I felt immediately safe. I was not judged; I was met with understanding and above all I finally felt strong enough to never go back and knew I could raise my son alone. I had left 3 times before and due to lack of support and resources I always returned.

As the first week went by, I started finding fragments of myself I had long lost and forgotten. My smile came back, my drive for life returned and I began working with the staff at HWP to provide myself and my son a better and stronger future.

Every single staff member made me feel like I would never be alone, and I would always have someone there for me while I got my life in order. I found understanding and a sense of friendship from upper management right down to the dietitian and housekeeping staff. If it had not been for HWP, I would not be here to tell you about how important this place and these dedicated and inspiring women are to the survivors, that find themselves in need of their many important services. Had I not been lucky enough to land on their doorstep at my lowest low, I would have gone back. I would never have found the strength to be independent and break the cycle of abuse.

I have found a program through the recommendation of HWP called Home Suite Hope. This program is going to provide me a rental subsidy, provide me with essential life skills workshops, and provide me with a free full ride scholarship to a 2-year marketing management program with Sheridan college. I now have my very own apartment with a nice little backyard for my son to run around in and play.

I would not have been gifted this dream if I had not first been given the strength and tools to go through the rigorous interview process and screening that Home Suite Hope requires for one to be invited to participate in this program.

The women at HWP cheered me on every step of the way. They provided me with the tools I needed to become assertive and set boundaries for myself. Because of these women I became my own biggest cheerleader and I now have an extremely bright future ahead of me.

I will be forever grateful for every single staff member that had a hand in making me whole again. These women are silent heroes they hear the worst stories imaginable and they never once place judgement or make you feel less than. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you all have had a part in making sure I have the brightest future possible.

Look out world, it is my time to shine!

Sincerely, no longer a victim; forever a survivor.

The time is now to invest in the safety of women & children of Halton. Your generous gift to Halton Women’s Place is an investment in the health of our community!

The time is now to invest in the safety of women & children of Halton. Your generous gift to Halton Women’s Place is an investment in the health of our community!

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MILTON & HALTON HILLS: 905-878-8555

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