Frequently Asked Questions
What is Hope in Every Step?
Hope in Every Step (previously known as “Hope in high Heels”) is a walk to end violence against women and show unwavering support for those affected by domestic violence in our community. This inspiring event will take place on November 2nd in Burlington. By participating, you will not only show your support to survivors but also raise critical funds for Halton Women’s Place, the only women’s shelter in Halton. Walk with us as we honour survivors, celebrate their resilience, and take meaningful strides towards a future free of domestic violence.
Why the Rebrand?
Last year we announced that our most unique event, “Hope in High Heels,” got a fresh makeover and a brand new name: “Hope in Every Step”!
At “Hope in Every Step,” we stand united in our mission to be part of the solution in ending violence against women. Our new name better encompasses the diverse range of survivors we are walking for and more fully honours their experiences.
How do I register?
To register, please complete the online registration from by clicking here. You can register as an individual or as a team. Once registered, we’ll send you all the information you need to set up your personal fundraising page, so you can start raising funds for the cause!
How do I fundraise?
Now that you’ve registered, it’s time to create your fundraising page! Please visit our online Hope in High Heels Fundraising Campaign at:
Learn how to set up your JustGiving fundraising page by clicking HERE (links to HIHH JustGiving Instructional Video – YouTube) , and watching this quick video we put together to guide you!
Set up your fundraising page and easily share the link with your friends, family and other contacts. Remember, you can create a page as an individual, or create a Team page and have others join you as you walk and fundraise!
What should I wear?
You can help the walk turn heads by wearing your favourite PURPLE attire. If you don’t have anything purple, we suggest you wear clothing that you feel most comfortable walking in. If participating on a team, we encourage you to come dressed with some team spirit! Feel free to bring your team/school jerseys and show your pride!
Are women and children welcome?
Of course! Hope in Every Step is open to EVERYONE. Bring your friends, family and co-workers to cheer you on – or better yet, get everyone registered and form a team! Only registered walkers will be eligible for the complimentary services and items provided.
How can I learn more about sponsoring Hope in Every Step?
To learn more about sponsoring Hope in Every Step, visit our sponsorship page for details about available sponsorship opportunities – there are plenty to choose from! Please contact Melissa, our Event Specialist, at or 905-332-2075.
If I donate through JustGiving or if I donate to someone else walking, will I receive a tax receipt?
Yes, an official charitable tax receipt will be issued automatically via email for any online donation made to Halton Women’s Place through the Hope in Every Step fundraising pages.
Offline donations (donations paid by cash or cheque) of $20 or more will be issued charitable tax receipts via email or mail. Tax receipts for offline donations will be sent out by the end of October of the event year.
How do I make an online donation even though I'm not participating in the event?
To donate towards the event, even if you’re not participating, click here to visit the general campaign page and click “Give Now!”
How do I become a volunteer for Hope in Every Step?
For any volunteer inquiries for Hope in Every Step, please contact Kaitlin, our volunteer coordinator, at
I made an additional online donation when I registered to walk online on your website. When will I receive an official charitable tax receipt for my online donation?
Thank you for your donation! Our team will issue you an electronic official charitable tax receipt for your gift via email within two to three weeks from the time of your online donation.

MILTON & HALTON HILLS: 905-878-8555
©2023 Halton Women’s Place. All Right’s Reserved | Registered Charity Number-10746 2558 RR0001